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Trampoline (6-17yrs)

Home  /  Program & Classes  /  Trampoline (6-17yrs)

Trampoline builds strength, power, courage, and confidence!  No matter what your focus is, Trampoline is totally FUN! We have high performance trampolines, as used in the Olympics. Our coaches are training and certified to provide high quality coaching.

The Acrobatic Studio offers beginning, intermediate, and advanced trampoline classes to students 7 years and older. Our curriculum is based on structured progressions, with an emphasis on safety and progress. We insist on building a strong foundation before moving into big tricks. We maintain these standards so that our students and families can enjoy the benefits of developing excellent trampoline skills and so that we can keep our training programs safe for our athletes.


Trampoline – Novice – Levels 1-3
Trampoline – Intermediate – Levels 4 – 6
Trampoline – Advanced – Levels 7 – 12